A note to my buyers
211 E 43rd St, 24th Fl
New York, NY 10017
Did you know? 75% of the apartments in Manhattan are Co-ops and require a certain financial portfolio? That means having a mortgage pre-approval is not enough. Each building has its own personality and you want to pinpoint your search to find the buildings that will fit who you are and your desires.
You need a buyer's agent who is experienced in matching buyers to their ideal Manhattan Co-op. Your buyer's agent should be experienced in knowing how to present you to a seller's agent so you win the bid. Seller's need to be very picky because the last thing they want is to an accept a buyer's offer, go through the board process only to get your application turned down. It is a huge waste of the seller's time as well as your time. Today's Manhattan buyer needs a savvy agent. I am that buyer's agent. I work for You. I am Your Real Estate Agent. First and foremost, my job is to listen and answer your questions. We then take the time to look at your financial picture so we can be selective in what buildings and properties work best for you. With a strong buyer's agent by your side when you make an offer the seller knows you are the buyer with a financial picture needed to obtain board approval. You will display confidence in every move.
It takes a team of people to get you from cruising to closing and I will be there with you every step of the way. Best of all there is no cost to you, the buyer's agent's commission is paid for by the seller and the seller pays this commission whether you have an agent or not, so have someone on Your side.